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Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)

Updated Dec 2, 2021

Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)

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Table of Contents
Signature Page
Executive Summary
1: Project Purpose and Need
2: Project Alternatives
3: Description of Construction Methods and Activities
4: Public Outreach and Review Process
5: Transportation
5A: Transportation Ridership Modeling
5B: Transportation Subway and Commuter Rail
5C: Transportation Surface Transit
5D: Transportation Vehicular Traffic
5E: Transportation Parking
5F: Transportation Pedestrians
6: Social and Economic Conditions
7: Public Open Space
8: Displacement and Relocation
9: Historic Resources
10: Archaeological Resources
11: Air Quality
12: Noise and Vibration
13: Infrastructure and Energy
14: Contaminated Materials
15: Natural Resources
16: Coastal Zone Consistency
17: Safety
18: Environmental Justice
19: Indirect and Cumulative Effects
20: Commitment of Resources
21: List of Preparers
22: List of Agencies and Organizations
23: Response to Comments on the SDEIS
Programmatic Agreement
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Exhibit D
Exhibit E
Exhibit F
Exhibit G
Exhibit H
Exhibit I
Exhibit J
Exhibit K
Exhibit L
Exhibit M
Final Section 4(f) Evaluation and Section 6(f) Evaluation


List of Figures
Executive Summary
S-1 New York City Subway Service with Second Avenue Subway Line
S-2 Project Area
S-3 Proposed Second Avenue Subway Line, Tunnel, and Station Elements
S-4 Proposed Phase 1
S-5 Proposed Phase 2
S-6 Proposed Phase 3
S-7 Proposed Phase 4
S-8 Construction Techniques
Project Purpose and Need
1-1 Project Area
1-2 Daily Trips to Manhattan South of 60th Street

Project Alternatives
2-1 New York City Subway Service with Second Avenue Subway Line
2-2 Proposed Second Avenue Subway Line, Tunnel, and Station Elements
2-3 Illustration of 125th Street Curve at Second Avenue
2-4 Track Diagram, North of 57th Street
2-5 Track Diagram, South of 57th Street
2-6 Deep Chrystie Option
2-7 Conceptual Drawing of the 125th Street Station
2-8 Conceptual Station Designs
2-9 Station Entrance Options
2-10 Existing Ancillary Facility
2-11 Conceptual Ancillary Facility
2-12 Context Map: Train Storage and Maintenance
2-13 Proposed Storage Tracks at 125th Street and 129th Streets
2-14 Proposed Storage Tracks at 21st to 9th Streets
2-15 36th-38th Street Yard (Possible Storage Tracks Created in Existing Yard)
2-16 Proposed Storage Tracks South of Hanover Square Station
2-17 Concourse Yard (Possible Location for Expansion to Maintenance Facilities)
2-18 207th Street Yard (Possible Location for Expansion to Maintenance Facilities)

Description of Construction Methods and Activities
3-1 Example of Underground Construction Activities Performed in Tunnel
3-2 Conceptual Drawing of a Tunnel Boring Machine
3-3 Conceptual Drawing of a Tunnel Boring Process
3-4 Section of a Typical Tunnel
3-5 Photos Illustrating Construction Methods
3-6 Conceptual Drawing of Conventional Mining
3-7 Conceptual Cut-and-Cover Station Construction, Section View
3-8 Cut-and-Cover Construction Conceptual Drawing and Photograph
3-9 Photographs Illustrating Utility Relocations and Steel Sheeting and Bracing
3-10 Historical Image of Possible Subsurface Obstructions South of Houston Street
3-11 Example of Building Underpinning
3-12 Typical Barge Site
3-13 Potential Shaft Sites, Spoils Removal Areas, and Staging Areas Near Second Avenue, North of 125th Street, Near 96th Street, and at 66th Street
3-14 Potential TBM Shaft Site and Staging Areas Near 34th Street, Near Houston Street,and in Lower Manhattan
3-15 Proposed Phase 1
3-16 Proposed Phase 2
3-17 Proposed Phase 3
3-18 Proposed Phase 4
3-19 Construction Techniques

Public Outreach And Review Process
4-1 Community Boards Along Second Avenue Subway Alignment

5D-1 Areas of Severe Vehicular Congestion
5D-2 Roadway Configuration Options During the Decking Installation Construction Phase
5D-3 Roadway Configuration Options During the Tunnel Construction Phase

Social and Economic Conditions
6-1 Second Avenue Subway Study Area
6-2 East Harlem Neighborhood Zone Land Use
6-3 Community Facilities Within One Block of the Project Alignment, East Harlem Neighborhood Zone
6-4 Upper East Side Neighborhood Zone Land Use
6-5 Community Facilities Within One Block of the Project Alignment,
Upper East Side Neighborhood Zone

6-6 East Midtown Neighborhood Zone Land Use
6-7 Community Facilities Within One Block of the Project Alignment, East Midtown Neighborhood Zone
6-8 Gramercy Park/Union Square Neighborhood Zone Land Use
6-9 Community Facilities Within One Block of the Project Alignment, Gramercy Park/Union Square Neighborhood Zone
6-10 East Village/Lower East Side/Chinatown Neighborhood Zone Land Use
6-11 Community Facilities Within One Block of the Project Alignment, East Village/Lower East Side/Chinatown Neighborhood Zone
6-12 Lower Manhattan Neighborhood Zone Land Use
6-13 Community Facilities Within One Block of the Project Alignment,
Lower Manhattan Neighborhood Zone

Public Open Space
7-1 Parks Adjacent to the Second Avenue Subway Alignment
7-2 Parks Adjacent to the Second Avenue Subway Alignment

Displacement and Relocation
8-1 Properties Where Long Term Displacement Would be Required, 125th Street and Second Avenue
8-2 125th Street Station
8-3 116th Street Station
8-4 106th Street Station
8-5 96th Street Station
8-6 86th Street Station
8-7 72nd Street Station
8-8 63rd Street Station
8-9 55th Street Station
8-10 42nd Street Station
8-11 Transfer to 42nd Street Grand Central Station
8-12 34th Street Station
8-13 23rd Street Station
8-14 14th Street Station
8-15 Houston Street Station
8-16 Grand Street Station
8-17 Chatham Square Station
8-18 Seaport Station
8-19 Hanover Square Station

Historic Resources
9-1 East Harlem Known Historic Resources
9-2 Upper East Side Known Historic Resources
9-3 East Midtown Known Historic Resources
9-4 Gramercy Park/Union Square Known Historic Resources
9-5 East Village/Lower East Side/Chinatown Known Historic Resources
9-6 Lower Manhattan Known Historic Resources
9-7 207th Street Yard Known Historic Resources
9-8 Concourse Yard Known Historic Resources
9-9 36th-38th Street Yard Known Historic Resources

Archaeological Resources
10-1 East Harlem Area of Potential Effect Areas of Potential Archaeological Sensitivity and Potential Project Effects
10-2 Upper East Side Area of Potential Effect Areas of Potential Archaeological Sensitivity and Potential Project Effects
10-3 East Midtown Area of Potential Effect Areas of Potential Archaeological Sensitivity and Potential Project Effects
10-4 Gramercy Park/Union Square Area of Potential Effect Areas of Potential Archaeological Sensitivity and Potential Project Effects
10-5 East Village/Lower East Side/Chinatown Area of Potential Effect Areas of Potential Archaeological Sensitivity and Potential Project Effects
10-6 Lower Manhattan Area of Potential Effect Areas of Potential Archaeological Sensitivity and Potential Project Effects

12-1 FTAs Noise Impact Criteria for Transit Operations
12-2 East Harlem and Upper East Side Noise Receptors
12-3 East Midtown, Gramercy Park/Union Square, East Village/Chinatown/Lower East Side, and Lower Manhattan Noise Receptors
12-4 Conceptual Illustration of 12'-High Noise Barrier Encircling Playground 96 and/or St. Vartan Park
12-5 Conceptual Illustration of Partially Enclosed Construction Activities (Truck Loading Within an Enclosed Hopper)
12-6 Operational Ground-Borne Noise Impacts

Natural Resources
15-1 Pier 6, East River

Coastal Zone Consistency
16-1 Coastal Zone Near Manhattan Alignment
16-2 Coastal Zone Near 207th Street Yard
16-3 Proposed Second Avenue Subway Line, Tunnel, and Station Elements

Environmental Justice
18-1 Second Avenue Corridor Study Area
18-2 Shaft/Staging Site Construction Study Areas
18-3 Storage Tracks Study Areas
18-4 Second Avenue Corridor Study Area Census Tracts with Population of Concern
18-5 Shaft/Staging Site Construction Study Areas Census Tracts with Population of Concern
18-6 Storage Tracks Study Areas Census Tracts with Population of Concern

Final Section 4(f) Evaluation and Section 6(f) Evaluation
1 Section 4(f) Park Resources
2 Section 4(f) Park Resources
3 Conceptual Drawing of Playground 96
4 Western Portion of Playground 96
5 Conceptual Drawing of St. Vartan Park
6 Western Portion of St. Vartan Park
7 Conceptual Drawing of Sara D. Roosevelt Park: Area Affected Along Chrystie and Grand Streets
8 Conceptual Drawing of Sara D. Roosevelt Park: Area Affected Along Forsyth Street
9 Sara D. Roosevelt Park Houston to Delancey Streets
10 Sara D. Roosevelt Park Houston to Delancey Streets
11 Sara D. Roosevelt Park Delancey to Grand Streets
12 Sara D. Roosevelt Park Grand to Hester Streets
13 Conceptual Drawing of Kimlau Square
14 Kimlau Square
15 St. James Triangle
16 Pearl Street Playground
17 Fulton Street Plaza
18 Vietnam Veterans Plaza
19 Coenties Slip


APPENDIX A: Planning Context
APPENDIX B: Development of Alternatives
APPENDIX C: Photographs of Shaft Sites
APPENDIX D.1: Transportation - Ridership Modeling
APPENDIX D.2: Transportation
APPENDIX D.3: Transportation - Supporting Tables and Diagrams for Transportation Analysis

List of Contents
Surface Transit
Vehicular Traffic Tables
Vehicular Traffic Graphics
APPENDIX E.1: Social and Economic Conditions
APPENDIX E.2: Social and Economic Conditions Maps and Photographs of Station,  Staging Area, and Shaft Site Study Areas
  129 Street Storage Tracks
  125 Street
  116 Street
  106 Street
  96 Street
  86 Street
  72 Street
  66 Street
  55 Street
  42 Street
  34 Street
  23 Street
  14 Street
  Houston Street to Grand Street
  Lower Manhattan

APPENDIX E.3: Zoning Background
APPENDIX E.4: Zoning Maps for Neighborhood Zones
  East Harlem
  Upper East Side
  East Midtown
  Gramercy Park/Union Square
  East Village/Lower East Side/Chinatown
  Lower Manhattan
APPENDIX E.5: Methodologies
APPENDIX F: Displacement and Relocation
  Figure F-1: 125th Street Station
  Figure F-2: 116th Street Station
  Figure F-3: 106th Street Station
  Figure F-4: 96th Street Station
  Figure F-5: 86th Street Station
  Figure F-6: 72nd Street Station
  Figure F-7: Lexington Avenue/63rd Street Station
  Figure F-8: 55th Street Station
  Figure F-9: 42nd Street Station
  Figure F-10: 42nd Street Transfer
  Figure F-11: 34th Street Station
  Figure F-12: 23rd Street Station
  Figure F-13: 14th Street Station
  Figure F-14: Houston Street Station
  Figure F-15: Grand Street Station
  Figure F-16: Chatham Square Station
  Figure F-17: Seaport Station
  Figure F-18: Hanover Square Station

APPENDIX G: Historic Resources
  APPENDIX G.1: Historic Resources
  APPENDIX G.2: Historic Resources List of Agency Correspondence
  AKRF Correspondence
APPENDIX H: Archaeological Resources
APPENDIX I: Air Quality
APPENDIX J: Noise and Vibration
  APPENDIX J.1: Noise and Vibration
  APPENDIX J.2:  Noise and Vibration Supporting Tables for Noise Analysis
APPENDIX K: Contaminated Materials
  APPENDIX K.1: Contaminated Materials
  APPENDIX K.2: Contaminated Materials Inventory of Evaluated Sites
  APPENDIX K.3: Initial Phase Environmental Boring Program Soil Analytical Results Summary
APPENDIX L: Natural Resources
  APPENDIX L.1: Natural Resources
  APPENDIX L.2:  Natural Resources Federal Transit Administration/Metropolitan Transportation Authority Second Avenue Subway, New York, New York Essential Fish Habitat Assessment
  APPENDIX L.3: Natural Resources List of Correspondence
  APPENDIX L.4:  Natural Resources Benthic Invertebrate Grab, Vibratory Sampling and Sediment Analysis at Third Avenue Bridge and Pier 6 New York City
  Benthic Invertebrate Grab

  Sediment Core Logs/ Tide Curve
APPENDIX M: Coastal Zone Consistency
APPENDIX N: Environmental Justice
APPENDIX O: Response to Comments Received on the 1999 DEIS
APPENDIX P: Community Board Resolutions and Motions
APPENDIX Q: References