How this page works
Check outages
The default settings for this page display elevators only, stations with outages only, and all (ADA and non-ADA) elevators/stations.
Some elevators and escalators in the New York City Transit system are managed and maintained by a third party, such as real estate developers. These have an X in their ID number. Since we don’t maintain these, back-in-service times for them are default estimates. We will update this page when the elevator or escalator returns to service.
Report an outage
We have two forms for reporting elevator or escalator outages: a subway station-specific form, and our customer feedback form (for LIRR and Metro-North station outages). Please include the date and time you found the outage, the station, and the equipment number. You can find the elevator number above elevator doors. The escalator number is on a panel by the handrail.
1 out of 1 Elevator Out of Service
There are no Escalators at this station
All Elevators Are In Service
2 out of 2 Escalators Out of Service
All Elevators Are In Service
2 out of 2 Escalators Out of Service