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About the route
The proposed B20 Rush runs southbound to Spring Creek and northbound to Broadway Junction.
The proposed length of the B20 Rush route is 3.8 miles.
In the existing route, the average stop spacing is 684 feet. Under the proposed route, that would increase to 1,216 feet.
The proposed route would connect to the B5, B6, B10, B12, B13, B14, B15, B25, B53, B55, B60, B66, B76, B83, B103, Q24, and Q56.
It would also connect to the
trains.Route Improvements
- More direct routing
- Improved stop spacing
- Improved frequency
- Fewer route patterns
- Avoids narrow streets
- NYC DOT Priority Corridor
Review the B20 route summary
As part of the Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign, the proposed B20 would be shortened on its northern end, terminating at Broadway Junction in order to improve reliability. Service between Broadway and Fresh Pond would be provided by the proposed B7, traveling a similar path via Cooper St/Av, 61 St/62 St, and Fresh Pond Rd. The proposed B20 would also be streamlined in East New York. The route would travel directly via Stanley Av between the USPS facility and Fountain Av. Service on Eldert Ln would be provided by the proposed B14. Service on Linden Blvd east of Fountain Av would be provided by the proposed B14, B15, and B55. Between Ashford St and Pennsylvania Av, the proposed B20 would travel on Stanley Av instead of Wortman Av, speeding up travel to the subway and better spacing bus routes through the area. Existing service on Wortman Av would be discontinued, though service would still also be provided on nearby Cozine Av by the proposed B5, B6, and B103. Bus service changes in Brooklyn are still being reviewed and will be finalized as part of the Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign Proposed Final Plan.
To match stop spacing on other local and limited-stop portions of Rush routes, B20 stops east of Pennsylvania Av would be spaced slightly farther apart than existing, while stops on Pennsylvania Av would only be located at key destinations and major transfer points.
Frequencies would be increased on weekdays and weekends. No service span changes are being proposed at this time.
B20 Rush proposed frequency and hours of operation
- Service Hours: 5:00 AM - 1:30 AM
- AM Peak: 7 minutes
- Midday: 10 minutes
- PM Peak: 8 minutes
- Early Evening: 8 minutes
- Late Evening: 17 minutes
- Service Hours: 5:00 AM - 1:30 AM
- Early Morning: 18 minutes
- Morning: 12 minutes
- Midday: 12 minutes
- Early Evening: 18 minutes
- Late Evening: 23 minutes
- Service Hours: 5:00 AM - 1:30 AM
- Early Morning: 20 minutes
- Morning: 18 minutes
- Midday: 12 minutes
- Early Evening: 18 minutes
- Late Evening: 20 minutes
* Frequency indicates how often the bus comes on average in the peak direction.