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About the route
The proposed B13 Local runs southbound to Gateway Center and northbound to Bushwick.
The proposed length of the B13 Local route is 7.3 miles.
In the existing route, the average stop spacing is 788 feet. Under the proposed route, that would increase to 1,299 feet.
The proposed route would connect to the B5, B7, B14, B15, B20, B26, B38, B52, B54, B55, B83, Q8, Q14, Q24, Q51, Q55, Q56, Q58, Q98, and Q112.
It would also connect to the
trains.Route Improvements
- Interborough route
- More direct routing
- New connections
- Improved stop spacing
- Improved frequency
- Avoids narrow streets
Review the B13 route summary
As part of the Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign, the proposed B13 would be rerouted to strengthen this critical interborough route. The route would travel in both directions on Seaview Av and Fountain Av to provide service in both directions to Shirley Chisholm State Park. The proposed new B5 LTD would travel in both directions on Vandalia Av and Erskine St. The proposed B13 would travel directly via Fountain Av, Linden Blvd, and Euclid Av to provide a direct connection between Gateway Center, residential and employment centers near Fountain Av, and the Euclid Av
train station. The proposed B14 would be rerouted to maintain the connection between Eldert Ln and Linden Blvd and the Euclid Av train station. Between Jamaica Av and the Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs train station, the proposed B13 would travel via the Ridgewood Reservoir and Cypress Av. This would speed up interborough travel, reduce turns and delays, provide new bus service to the Reservoir, while still maintaining the same subway connections and service to Wyckoff Heights Medical Center. Service along 61 St/62 St, Fresh Pond Rd, and Putnam Av/67 Av would be provided by the proposed B7. Service between Fresh Pond Rd and Wyckoff Av would be provided by the proposed Q58 and Q98. Bus service changes in Brooklyn are still being reviewed and will be finalized as part of the Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign Proposed Final Plan.To match stop spacing on other Local routes, B13 stops would be spaced slightly farther apart than existing to speed up buses and improve reliability.
Frequencies would be increased on weekdays and weekends. Service would now operate 24 hours on weekdays and weekends.
B14 proposed frequency and hours of operation
- Service Hours: 24 hours
- AM Peak: 10 minutes
- Midday: 14 minutes
- PM Peak: 9 minutes
- Early Evening: 11 minutes
- Late Evening: 20 minutes
- Service Hours: 24 hours
- Early Morning: 18 minutes
- Morning: 15 minutes
- Midday: 12 minutes
- Early Evening: 12 minutes
- Late Evening: 24 minutes
- Service Hours: 24 hours
- Early Morning: 26 minutes
- Morning: 20 minutes
- Midday: 15 minutes
- Early Evening: 15 minutes
- Late Evening: 26 minutes
* Frequency indicates how often the bus comes on average in the peak direction.