New timetables start on all LIRR branches on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
For the first time, we'll be running two morning trains from Oyster Bay directly to Penn Station. We're also adding another direct morning train to Atlantic Terminal, departing from Valley Stream and stopping at Rosedale, Laurelton, and Locust Manor stations.
Most other rush hour trains won't change. Some will leave up to 3 minutes earlier than they do now.
Customers are more likely to prefer Penn Station during off-peak hours than at rush hour. To meet that demand, we've changed which branches run to which terminals during midday, late evening, and weekend hours. This will give more customers direct service to Penn Station.
If you do have to transfer, off-peak schedules have been adjusted to provide more evenly spaced departures, which will reduce average wait times.
Major changes are outlined below. All riders should check the new schedules or use our TrainTime app to see if their trip will change.
Babylon Branch
Weekend trains to and from Grand Central will only run as far as Massapequa. The Babylon express train will make all stops between Massapequa and Babylon, maintaining two trains per hour at stations east of Massapequa.
This pattern matches weekday midday service and allows for station renovation work at Babylon, which will close one of the two platforms on most weekends.
Far Rockaway Branch
The 7:44 a.m. weekday train from Jamaica to Atlantic Terminal will now start in Valley Stream at 7:26 a.m. and make all stops.
The 5:34 p.m. weekday train from Penn Station to Long Beach will add a stop at Laurelton.
On weekends, daytime trains will run to and from Grand Central instead of Penn Station. Transfer at Jamaica for Penn Station service.
Hempstead Branch
Westbound trains from Huntington and Ronkonkoma Branch will resume stopping at Elmont-UBS Arena on weeknights.
Long Beach Branch
On weekends, trains will run to and from Penn Station instead of Grand Central. Transfer at Jamaica for Grand Central service.
Montauk Branch
There are no major changes to Montauk Branch service.
Oyster Bay Branch
The 7:17 a.m. weekday train from Oyster Bay will run to Penn Station. Transfer at Jamaica for service to Hunterspoint Avenue.
Port Jefferson Branch
During middays, late evenings, and weekends, both Huntington trains per hour will run to and from Penn Station. Transfer at Jamaica for Grand Central service.
Port Washington Branch
There are no major changes to Port Washington Branch service. Riders who transfer at Woodside should check for revised transfer times.
Ronkonkoma Branch
During middays, late evenings, and weekends, both Ronkonkoma trains per hour will run to and from Penn Station. Transfer at Jamaica for Grand Central service.
Buses will replace midday weekday trains between Ronkonkoma and Greenport until mid-November to allow for track work.
West Hempstead Branch
The 5:30 p.m. weekday train from Grand Central to Seaford will add a stop at St. Albans.
Midday weekday and daytime weekend service will run to and from Grand Central. Late evening service will only run between Jamaica and West Hempstead, 7 days a week. Transfer at Jamaica for service to or from Penn Station or Atlantic Terminal.
Brooklyn service
Midday and weekend service will consist of three shuttle trains per hour between Jamaica and Atlantic Terminal.