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Supplemental Environmental Assessment to 2nd Av Subway Final EIS: Phase 2

Updated Feb 15, 2022

Following the recent opening of Phase 1 of the Second Avenue Subway (SAS) in Manhattan, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) is now advancing SAS Phase 2, the portion of the new subway that extends service between 96 St and 125 St. Phase 2 work will consist of a number of components including subway tunnels; three new stations at 106 St, 116 St, and 125 St; track work; traction power substations; circuit breaker houses; facility electrical power; fan plants; ventilation systems; pump rooms; signal and communications work; entrances, and ancillary facilities to support operation of the stations. The MTA is advancing SAS to be constructed in four phases; which, at full length, will stretch 8.5 miles along Manhattan’s East Side, from 125 St in Harlem to Hanover Square in Lower Manhattan.

The Supplemental Environmental Assessment to the Second Avenue Subway Final Environmental Impact Statement: Phase 2 (Supplemental EA) was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) as lead agency to evaluate potential impacts related to the advancing design of Phase 2. A Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD) were issued in 2004 for the full-length Project to evaluate its impacts as required by NEPA. The formal public review and comment period ended on August 13, however the MTA is committed to responding and submitting to the FTA comments received after this date. The Environmental Assessment can be found on the MTA website, at the Second Avenue Subway Community Information Center, 69 East 125 St, or at the Community Board 10, and 11 District Offices. A Spanish language translation of the Executive Summary, detailing the findings, is available as well.