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About the route
The B64 runs between Sunset Park and Coney Island.
The current length of the B64 Local route is 6.7 miles. This would change to 7.1 miles under the Draft Plan.
In the existing route, the average stop spacing is 726 feet. Under the proposed route, that would increase to 1,032 feet. There would be 2.4 turns per mile.
The route would include connections to the B1, B3, B4, B5, B6, B6 LTD, B8, B9, B11, B16, B36, B37, B49, B63, B70, B74, B82, B82 SBS and trains.
Route improvements
- More direct routing
- New connections
- Improved stop spacing
- Improved frequency
- Improved ADA access
Review the B64 route summary
The proposed B64 would be rerouted on its northern end to serve the Sunset Park Waterfront instead of Shore Rd. The route would travel via 4 Av and 60 St and provide new connections to the Brooklyn Army Terminal and NYU Langone Hospital Brooklyn from southern Brooklyn and from the future accessible 59 St N/R express subway station. The B9 would continue to serve Bay Ridge Av west of 4 Av. The proposed B64 would be rerouted on its southern end to travel via Cropsey Av instead of via Harway Av and Stillwell Av, replacing the B82 which is proposed to be shortened and removing a turn and reducing delays. Service on Stillwell Av would be provided by the proposed B4. Service on Harway Av would be discontinued.
As a Local route, stops would be spaced slightly farther apart than existing to speed up buses and improve reliability.
Frequencies would be increased during some time periods on weekdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Service span would be slightly increased.
B64 proposed frequency and span
- Service Hours: 4:30 a.m.-1:30 a.m.
- AM Peak: 12 minutes
- Midday: 15 minutes
- PM Peak: 12 minutes
- Early Evening: 15 minutes
- Late Evening: 20 minutes
- Service Hours: 4:30 a.m.-1:30 a.m.
- AM Peak: 15 minutes
- Midday: 12 minutes
- PM Peak: 12 minutes
- Early Evening: 13 minutes
- Late Evening: 20 minutes
- Service Hours: 4:30 a.m.-1:30 a.m.
- AM Peak: 20 minutes
- Midday: 15 minutes
- PM Peak: 15 minutes
- Early Evening: 15 minutes
- Late Evening: 20 minutes
*Frequency indicates how often the bus comes on average in the peak direction.