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About the route
The proposed B6 Limited runs between Gravesend and East New York.
The existing B6 route is 10.5 miles. Under the Draft Plan, this would decrease to 9.9 miles.
In the existing route, the average stop spacing is 1,044 feet. Under the proposed route, that would increase to 1,809 feet.
In the existing route, there are 1.8 turns per mile. Under the proposed route, that would decrease to 1.6 turns per mile.
The route would connect to the B1, B3, B4, B5, B7, B9, B11, B15, B17, B20, B40, B41, B41 XT, B42, B44, B44-SBS, B46, B46-SBS, B47, B49, B55, B60, B64, B68, B76, B81, B82, B82-SBS, B83, B103, Q8, and Q35. It would also connect to the and trains.
Route improvements
- More direct routing
- Improved stop spacing
- Avoids narrow streets
- Priority Corridor
Review the B6 Limited route summary
The proposed B6 LTD would mostly maintain its existing routing. Between Flatbush Av and E 80 St, the route would be rerouted via the same path as the B103 LTD. Instead of traveling on Albany Av and Glenwood Rd, the route would stay on Avenue H, improving reliability by removing turns and also increasing frequency on Avenue H. Instead of traveling on Ralph Av to Flatlands Av, the route would use Glenwood Rd and E 80 St. This would remove a challenging turn at Ralph Av/Flatlands Av, reducing delays. The proposed B6 LTD would no longer serve Shore Pkwy and would instead use Cropsey Av in both directions. Service on Shore Pkwy would be provided by the B82 Local. A new branch of the B6 LTD is proposed, the B5 LTD, mainly serving the same route path but terminating at Gateway Center on its eastern end instead of at New Lots Av. Riders boarding west of Cozine Av/Jerome St can take either the B5 LTD or the B6 LTD.
As a Limited route, stops would be spaced slightly farther apart than Local routes to improve speed and reliability, but still within walking distance.
Frequencies would be slightly decreased, since buses would be split between the proposed B5 LTD and B6 LTD. Frequencies would still match ridership demand. New Sunday service is proposed.
B6 Limited proposed frequency and span
- Service Hours: 4:30 AM - 10:30 PM
- AM Peak: 10 minutes
- Midday: 12 minutes
- PM Peak: 10 minutes
- Early Evening: 10 minutes
- Late Evening: 15 minutes
- Service Hours: 6:30 AM - 10:30 PM
- Early Morning: 20 minutes
- Morning: 15 minutes
- Midday: 15 minutes
- Early Evening: 15 minutes
- Late Evening: 20 minutes
- Service Hours: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
- Early Morning: n/a
- Morning: 15 minutes
- Midday: 15 minutes
- Early Evening: 20 minutes
- Late Evening: n/a
* Frequency indicates how often the bus comes on average in the peak direction.