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About the route
The B46 runs between Bedford-Stuyvesant and Kings Plaza.
The current length of the B46 Local route is 8 miles. This would decrease to 6.8 miles under the Draft Plan.
In the existing route, the average stop spacing is 804 feet. Under the proposed route, that would increase to 1,001 feet. There would be 0.7 turns per mile.
The route would include connections to the B3, B5, B6, B6 LTD, B7, B8, B9, B10, B12, B14, B15, B17, B25, B26, B35, B38, B40, B41, B41 XT, B43, B45, B46 SBS, B47, B52, B53, B54, B55, B57, B65, B82, B82 SBS, B100, B103, Q35, and trains.
Route improvements
- Improved stop spacing
- Priority Corridor
Review the B46 route summary
The proposed B46 would be shortened on its northern end, terminating at Woodhull Hospital in order to improve reliability. The connection to the accessible Flushing Av station would be maintained. Service on Broadway between Woodhull Hospital and Williamsburg Bridge Plaza would be provided by the proposed new B53.
As a Local route, stops would be spaced slightly farther apart than existing to speed up buses and improve reliability.
No frequency or service span changes are being proposed at this time.
B46 proposed frequency and span
- Service Hours: 24 hours
- AM Peak: 4 minutes
- Midday: 8 minutes
- PM Peak: 7 minutes
- Early Evening: 7 minutes
- Late Evening: 9 minutes
- Service Hours: 24 hours
- Early Morning: 9 minutes
- Morning: 8 minutes
- Midday: 7 minutes
- Early Evening: 8 minutes
- Late Evening: 10 minutes
- Service Hours: 24 hours
- Early Morning: 8 minutes
- Morning: 8 minutes
- Midday: 9 minutes
- Early Evening: 10 minutes
- Late Evening: 12 minutes
* Frequency indicates how often the bus comes on average in the peak direction.