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About the route
The B44 SBS runs between Williamsburg and Sheepshead Bay.
The current length of the B44 SBS route is 9.4 miles. This would change to 10 miles under the Draft Plan.
In the existing route, the average stop spacing is 2,608 feet. Under the proposed route, that would increase to 2,640 feet. There would be 0.5 turns per mile.
The route would include connections to the B1, B3, B4, B5, B6, B6 LTD, B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, B12, B16, B25, B26, B31, B35, B36, B38, B39, B40, B41, B41 XT, B43, B44, B45, B48, B49, B52, B53, B55 SBS, B57, B62, B66, B68, B69, B81, B82, B82 SBS, B100, B103, Q35, Q54, Q59, Q68, and LIRR.
Route improvements
- New connections
- Improved stop spacing
- Improved frequency
- Improved ADA access
- Priority Corridor
Review the B44 SBS route summary
The proposed B44 SBS would mostly maintain its existing routing but would be rerouted near its southern terminal to Ocean Pkwy via Avenue Z. This would provide a new connection to the future accessible Sheepshead Bay station and additional service to Coney Island Hospital. The proposed B44 Local would continue to serve Shore Pkwy and Emmons Av.
As a Crosstown/SBS route, stops would only be located at key destinations and transfer points to provide faster and more reliable service across the corridor.
Frequencies would be increased Late Evening on all days, and Early Morning and Early Evening on Sundays. No service span changes are being proposed at this time.
B44 Crosstown/SBS proposed frequency and span
- Service Hours: 5:30 AM - 11:00 PM
- AM Peak: 5 minutes
- Midday: 8 minutes
- PM Peak: 6 minutes
- Early Evening: 7 minutes
- Late Evening: 10 minutes
- Service Hours: 6:00 AM - 11:00 PM
- Early Morning: 9 minutes
- Morning: 8 minutes
- Midday: 8 minutes
- Early Evening: 9 minutes
- Late Evening: 13 minutes
- Service Hours: 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM
- Early Morning: 12 minutes
- Morning: 12 minutes
- Midday: 10 minutes
- Early Evening: 12 minutes
- Late Evening: 15 minutes
* Frequency indicates how often the bus comes on average in the peak direction.