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PHOTOS: New York City Transit Leadership Recognize Outstanding Employees at 2023 President’s Awards of Excellence Ceremony

New York City Transit
Updated Apr 4, 2023 8:45 a.m.
NYCT Prez Awards 2023

View Photos of Award Ceremony  

Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) New York City Transit today held their 2023 New York City Transit President’s Awards of Excellence Ceremony at MTA Headquarters in Lower Manhattan. New York City Transit honored 29 employees with commendations for their work in safety, social responsibility, customer service, teamwork, leadership, and diversity and inclusion. Veterans who have worked at the agency for decades received distinguished service awards, highlighting their strong commitment to keep New Yorkers on the move. 

“The best teams take time to celebrate each other, and that is exactly what we were able to accomplish today,” said New York City Transit President Richard Davey. “From Day 1 the Transit team has bought in to the ‘Faster, Cleaner, Safer’ initiative and have performed daily miracles that sometimes go unnoticed. It was an honor to celebrate our veterans, while also highlighting the heroic acts that transit workers do in the middle of the hundreds of other tasks they do during their shift.” 

In addition to commendations and distinguished service recognition, NYC Transit honored three workers who performed acts of heroism while on duty. 

On Thursday, Aug. 12, 2022, at around 9:30 a.m., customers noticed a man harassing women at the entrance to the Pelham Bay Park subway station on the   line in the Bronx. Subway cleaner Anthony Nelson was working when he was informed of a person harassing customers outside of the station. Nelson immediately stepped out to get a description of the man when he was blindsided by the person. At that point subway cleaner Douglas Scott heard the ongoing incident and immediately rushed to assist Nelson. The two men were able to restrain the suspect who assaulted Nelson until the police arrived. Nelson was then taken to Jacobi Hospital where he was treated for his injuries. 

“What I did that day is something every man should do, on work, out of work, if we all do the right thing the world will be a better place,” said New York City Transit Department of Subways Cleaner Anthony Nelson. “If we look out for each other and move as a unit, that [New York City] Transit patch means all of us, no matter what division or department and we have to work together. I definitely appreciate Transit for acknowledging me and everybody that works over the last 25, 30 years every day.” 

“Working for Transit for 29 years has taught me to be visual and always be aware of your surroundings,” said New York City Transit Department of Subways Cleaner Douglas Scott. 

On Sunday, Dec. 18, 2022, New York City Transit Collecting Agent Dexter Reyes bravely jumped in to defend a fellow station agent who had been assaulted by a person at the Times Sq – 42 St subway station. Although Dexter was injured during the incident, his fast intervention and willingness to help a coworker prevented any further harm to the station agent, while also restraining the suspect until police arrived. 

“I wasn’t expecting this, but it feels good to be recognized. I’ve been working at New York City Transit for 19 years and this was my first incident,” said New York City Transit Department of Subways Collecting Agent Dexter Reyes. “I just did what I had to do that day to save a coworker who was being assaulted. That night was basically instinct that kicked in, I just jumped right in and did what I had to do.” 

A selection committee comprised of employees, managers, leadership and members of the MTA People Department and New York City Transit Workforce Relations received hundreds of applications when the search for honorees began. The next New York City Transit awards ceremony will be held in June when the agency hosts its 2023 President’s Bi-Annual Awards Ceremony.