The information on these pages is provided to help vendors identify solicitations that they may wish to bid on. It is not a substitute for our official bid documents. All award decisions are based solely on the content of the official bid documents. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this section, we will not be held responsible for any errors or omissions.
Current bids
Roof Replacement (#F-188)
Solicitation Number: F-188
Opening/Due Date: 08/24/17
Price For IFB Package: $0.00
Type Of Solicitation: IFB
Document Availability Date: 8/4/17
Description: Contract for the replacement of the NRS aluminum roof located at the MTA Staten Island Railway, Non- Revenue Shop, 293 Bay Street, Staten Island, NY 10301 includes material, labor and equipment to complete the roof. The Roofing Contractor must work in conjunction with the HVAC Contractor, as these units will be replaced while the roof is being replaced.
There will be a site survey on Thursday, 8/10/17 at 11 a.m.. Please request a bid package prior to the site survey and bring it with you on 8/10/17.
For general information on bidding, or to obtain the bid package, contact the bid reception desk at 347-694-3003. For more information on goods or service to be purchased, contact Joseph DiMartino, assistant director, material management, at 347-694-3003 or
Roof Replacement (#F-189)
Solicitation #: F-189
Opening/Due Date: 8/24/17
Price For IFB Package: $0.00
Type Of Solicitation: IFB
Document Availability Date: 8/4/17
Solicitation Title: Roof Replacement
Description: Contract to replace three (3) new gas fired rooftop HVAC packages and one (1) Up-Blast Exhaust Fan at the MTA Staten Island Railway, Non- Revenue Shop, 293 Bay Street, Staten Island, NY 10301 includes material, labor and equipment to complete the installation of the units. The HVAC Contractor must work in conjunction with the Roofing Contractor, as the Aluminum Roof will be replaced while the HVAC Units are being replaced.
There will be a site survey on Thursday, 8/10/17 at 11 a.m. Please request a bid package prior to the site survey and bring it with you on 8/10/17.
For general information on bidding, or to obtain the bid package, contact the bid reception desk at 347-694-3003. For more information on goods or service to be purchased, contact Joseph DiMartino, assistant director, material management, at 347-694-3003 or