About our budget
Everything we do begins as a line item in our budget. Our budget is a manifestation of our priorities, and shows how we are creating a faster, more accessible, and more reliable public transportation system. The budget is a statement of our values, and a means to share how much goes into balancing service improvements like crucial signal upgrades, managing long term cost increases, investing in the future, and maintaining affordable fares.
We develop our budgets in a disciplined, consistent, and transparent process. That doesn't mean they are easy to understand. This page will help you better understand the numbers and decisions that make up our budget. We also created a glossary of common budget terms.
Interactive budget visualization
The budget process
MTA budgeting is a rigorous and in-depth annual process, which culminates with the proposed passage of the Budget in December. Each year, the MTA prepares three financial plans: one in February, one in July, and one in November. Adoption Materials are prepared in December.
Find out more about what each step of the budget process entails.
Budget Basics
Other sources of revenue
Half of our revenue comes from our riders in the form of farebox revenue and tolls. Various dedicated fees and taxes from both the state and local governments help fund the rest of our operations.
Subway Action Plan
The Subway Action Plan was launched in July 2017 to take extraordinary measures to stabilize and improve the more than 100-year old subway system. The program is jointly funded by New York State and New York City. The fully funded $836 million plan is well underway and full completion is being accelerated. Read a full breakdown of what the plan entails.