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  4. West Wall, East Light, Morning

West Wall, East Light, Morning

Neck Rd (B/Q)

West Wall, East Light, Morning

Mary Temple
Artwork in ceramic mosaic by Mary Temple showing a subtle tile pattern of tree shadows.
“West Wall, East Light, Morning” (2011) by Mary Temple at Neck Rd. Photo: Etienne Frossard

About the project

Mary Temple's artwork subtly shifts the commuter's perception of the Neck Rd station by creating a soft canopy of light and shade that floods the wall of the west stair leading up to the southbound platform. The standard wall tile has been tinted, transitioning from rectangular shapes to smaller angular shapes to form an elaborate, fractured mosaic. Over the pattern of shapes, it appears that a shard of light and tree silhouettes illuminate the wall. On closer inspection, viewers discover that the tiles are hand-painted in ceramic glazes.

This slow reveal of the image was designed by the artist, to be discovered over time, on repeated viewing, as commuters catch a glimpse of perpetual morning light. As the artist reminds us, Henry David Thoreau said: "Vigorous thought keeps pace with the sun, the day is a perpetual morning." The artwork may not be immediately noticed, as it subtly plays with the viewer's perception of the space, and will lead to ongoing discovery and enjoyment as its mysteries are revealed.

About the artist

Mary Temple was born in Arizona and has lived and worked in Brooklyn, New York, since 1996. She is best known for her immersive Trompe-l'œil installations: subtle room-sized paintings of light and shadow. Her landscape paintings explore a range of contrasts in color, shapes and active surfaces. Temple has exhibited her work internationally and throughout the United States. She has completed commissioned projects for solo and group shows at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, MASS MoCA, and The Drawing Center, among many others.