Beach 105 St (A/S)


Callie Hirsch
Artwork in faceted glass by Callie Hirsch showing aquatic creatures set against rich blue and green backgrounds of water.
“Vast” (2011) by Callie Hirsch at Beach 105 St. Photo: Rob Wilson

About the project

For Beach 105 St, Callie Hirsch created fantastical aquatic creatures set against rich blue and green backgrounds of water. She worked with fabricator Erskin Mitchell, who interpreted her artwork into three groupings of faceted glass panels. Each is a striking portrayal of organic ocean forms made radiant by the strong light that reflects off the nearby ocean. 

Hirsch's work is inspired by her childhood experiences, and she explores the universe beneath the seas in her art. As a child, she was fascinated by the family fish tank filled with creatures taken from the ocean. As a teenager, her interest was heightened when she began sailing and scuba diving. The variety and vibrancy of life beneath the surface continues to be a major interest to her. 

Hirsch says the ocean is one of the most desirable places on earth. Through "Vast," she hopes to encourage viewers to acknowledge and respect the beauty of the sea and consider their own participation in the power and wholeness of the natural world.

About the artist

Callie Hirsch comes from the mountainous New York region of Rockland County, and now resides in Brooklyn. Her work is a mix of wildlife and city life, displaying a thoughtful playfulness found in the honesty of seeking out mysteries and the unearthing of ideas. She uses a variety of mediums and surfaces including inks on paper, oil on canvas, and acrylic on mannequins. Hirsch has exhibited her artwork in numerous national and international shows over the last 25 years.