Larchmont (New Haven)

The Four Seasons

Joy Taylor
Artwork in mosaic by Joy Taylor showing leaves and trees of the four seasons on the station waiting room wall.
“The Four Seasons” (2005) by Joy Taylor at MNR Larchmont Station. Photo: Joy Taylor

About the Project

“The Four Seasons” mosaic mural shows the passing seasons in suburban Larchmont through a study of local plant forms. The work brings lushness and soft color to the waiting room, providing an inviting atmosphere. In the words of the artist, Joy Taylor, "Leaves are so commonplace in nature that we rarely consider them worthy of study. Yet when looked at closely they reveal themselves as marvels of efficiency and beauty. In a train station, time often means minutes to hurry or to wait through. But this mural allows the traveler an opportunity for a different view. Like a timeline, this mosaic reveals nature as a vehicle of change. Combining nature and time, I encourage the viewer to examine such changes and to appreciate the precious and fleeting quality of our world. The commuter may take a walk into April, or recall November, even as she hurries to an appointment, or as he heads home from work."

About the Artist

New York based artist Joy Taylor’s paintings transform botany into a personal vision. The sparkling detail, alluring formal composition, and luminous colors in Taylor’s work suggest nature dreaming of itself. Her paintings defy traditional still life, which seeks to tame and order the objects of the world. In Joy’s work, life is never still. It is exuberant, irrepressible, at times disconcerting and even dangerous in its boldness.