80 St (A)


Mia Pearlman
Metalwork window art by Mia Pearlman showing flowing abstract shapes.
“Soar” (2016) by Mia Pearlman at 80 St. Photo: Jason Mandella

About the project

For her artwork "Soar," Mia Pearlman created delicate, miniature papercut sculptures that were transformed through fabrication of hefty plates of steel into the final art forms. In creating her design, Pearlman was inspired by standing on the elevated platform and the feeling of closeness to the sky. While waiting for the train, she felt that one is encouraged to contemplate the weather, clouds and colors, all constantly shifting by the moment.

A total of 18 gleaming three-dimensional sculptural steel panels transform the 80 St station platforms. Six panels are double-framed with layers of unique, swirling waves. In the sunlight, they reflect and project patterns of spinning motion onto the pathway of commuters, which invites interaction and adds a playful spirit to the commute. The panels are also functional, protecting the passengers from wind and weather.

The curving, perforated metal panels echo the air currents and the sky above, connecting us to place and reminding us of the beauty inherent in these natural phenomena.

About the artist

Mia Pearlman studied architecture and planning at Cornell University. She creates breathtaking paper installations and ephemeral drawings that blur the line between painting and sculpture. Pearlman has exhibited internationally in numerous galleries, non-profit spaces, and museums. She has participated in numerous residencies including Lower East Side Printshop and Vermont Studio Center, and she is a recipient of the Pollock-Krasner Foundation grant. Pearlman lives and works in Brooklyn.