20 Av (N)

Sea City Spin

David Storey
A permanent glass mosaic art installation by artist David Storey on the platform walls of the NYCT 20 Av station shows a blue, beige and white abstract composition on the left hand wall of a covered outdoor subway platform as the train enters the station.
"Sea City Spin" (2019) © David Storey, NYCT 20 Av Station. Photo: Jeffrey Sturges

About the project

In David Storey's artwork, "Sea City Spin," visual landscapes of movement come to life at the 20 Av station. Storey created a series of paintings utilizing abstracted patterns and imagery that distill the essence of the distinctive attributes and qualities of the experience of riding the Sea Beach Line in Brooklyn.  

Storey was inspired by the constant sequence of changes seen in the view from the subway, as well as from the perspective of the station platform. The 14 artwork panels, fabricated by Mosaika Art & Design, echo a sensory feeling of motion and sequential transition. Rendered in a bright palette and filled with contrasts of color and form, the pieces create vignettes that weave together references of backyard windows, sidewalk market displays, and juxtapose nature with the urban environment. The multi-faceted and graphic artwork is a lively, celebratory and playful experience for the passengers that use the 20 Av station. 

About the artist

David Storey is an artist who lives and works in New York City. He received both a BA and an MFA from the University of California at Davis, graduating in 1972. Storey makes abstract ensembles that function both as figurative references, and simultaneously as ruminations on spatial and chromatic representations. He has participated in numerous group exhibitions in the United States and abroad.