88 St (A)


Haresh Lalvani
Artwork in metal by Halvesh Lalvani showing shapes in abstract patterns.
“MORPHINGS88” (2015) by Haresh Lalvani at 88 St. Photo: Bill Kontzias

About the project

"MORPHING88" consists of 24 laser-cut stainless steel panels depicting patterns with morphed shapes. To create the artwork, Lalvani researched the unique geography of the neighborhood in relation to the A stations in order to gather data and make calculations to create each of the distinct patterns and shapes of the artwork panels. Located on the platform of 88 St, the artwork panels morph from one to another and, like the station itself, are stationary points in a continuously morphing pattern that captures time, which is the basis of transport. These abstract works are grounded in place, and over time the residents who use the station will become as familiar with the flow of the artwork, as they are with the movement of the subway through their daily journey. 

About the artist

Over 15 years, artist-inventor Dr. Haresh Lalvani has been creating unique sculptures. His groundbreaking work is derived directly from his quest inspired by nature's designs and formal generative codes. Lalvani has worked on several public commissions: Outdoor sculpture in midtown Manhattan, New York; outdoor wall sculpture for the Sculpture Garden at Pratt Institute; and a piece for OMI Fields sculpture park in Ghent, New York. He was a speaker at TED 2004.