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Edges of a South Brooklyn Sky

Avenue U (N)

Edges of a South Brooklyn Sky

Sally Gil
Photograph of mosaic artworks installed on the platform wall of the Avenue U station. The mosaic panels with blue skies and black grounds with objects floating around the horizon line are visible on the platform walls as seen from across the platform, with the yellow platform edge visible below.
"Edges of a South Brooklyn Sky" (2018) © Sally Gil, NYCT Avenue U Station. Photo: Etienne Frossard

About the project

At the Avenue U station on the Sea Beach line, Brooklyn-based artist Sally Gil created a series of 14 mosaics titled "Edges of a South Brooklyn Sky." Reflecting on the Gravesend neighborhood where the station is located, Gil used her poetic style to interpret and situate recognizable places and objects found throughout the area. Each of the mosaic panels whimsically represents Gravesend its diverse communities, both past and present.  

There are seven mosaics on each of the station’s platforms, each containing a roving skyline and depicting familiar structures and things, such as Italian rainbow cookies, a quail egg, a Mexican Concha cookie, railroad tracks, and even the station house at the Avenue U subway entrance. Local architectural structures are placed close to the center line of all 14 mosaics, because, as Gil says, "the horizon line is where the business of living happens." The objects, representing the rich social texture of the multiethnic Gravesend community, float amidst the day and night skies. This is where, as Gil says, "the internal life lives, all the complex and mystifying contemplations that move us." The day and night skies are reversed in form and concept across the platforms, helping to situate daily commuters in time and space, as they leave from and arrive back to the station.  

Gil uses painting and mixed media collage to make her artworks. For the Avenue U station, her mixed-media pieces were fabricated in glass mosaic by Mosaicos Venezianos de México. Gil worked closely the mosaicists to replicate small-scale works into the 14 large-scale murals now permanently located along the platforms.

As riders move through "Edges of a South Brooklyn Sky," Gil reminds us that, "every day we are making our place in the world, and the subway is the conduit that transports us. We live on a physical plane, while dwelling in our thoughts and imaginations — the world of our own stories. Ultimately I believe, although from differing places, we all want the same things: To live peacefully, with what we need and want." 

About the artist

Sally Gil was born and raised in Bennington, Vermont and now lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. She received her Bachelor of Arts at UC San Diego and her Masters of Fine Arts at Hunter College. Gil uses painting and collage technique for her creations. Her elaborate works are made by objects from daily life, such as catalog images, postcards, and tea wrappers. Gil has has exhibited her work throughout the country and has been awarded numerous fellowships. Her work was included in the U.S. State Department's Arts in Embassies program, in Brazzaville, Congo (2014-2016).