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Queens Bus Network Redesign: Astoria Blvd Corridor Profile

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Astoria Boulevard Corridor Profile for the Queens Bus Network Redesign

Railroad Connection At Astoria Boulevard N/W
Close to Astoria ferry terminal
Average Weekday Ridership on Local/Limited/SBS (within Queens) 27,000
Corridor Length in Miles (within Queens) 4.1
Average Ridership per Mile (within Queens) 6,500
East-West or North-South East-West
Location This 4-mile corridor stretches between Vernon Boulevard in Astoria and Flushing Meadows.
Local/Limited/SBS Q19
NICE Bus  
Ridership Along the Corridor The western and eastern edges of the corridor have solid ridership. The middle is limited by the presence of St. Michael's Cemetery.
Land Use and Density There is solid urbanism west of the subway. Between 31st and 82nd Streets, Astoria Blvd serves as the north and south service roads for the Grand Central Parkway. The portion between 31st Street and St. Michael's Cemetery has solid density, but the border vacuum created by the parkway limits the ridership demand, as pedestrians are forced to walk several hundred feet further than usual because of the separated nature of the roadway. East of St. Michael's Cemetery, the Bulova Center is the largest major destination. The eastern portion of the route has some spots of density in between great distances of auto-oriented sprawling low-density uses.
Road Conditions The portion west of 31st Street has one lane in each direction. Between 31st Street and 82nd Street it is a service road for the Grand Central Parkway with two lanes in each direction. East of 82nd Street, the corridor is a six-lane boulevard with three travel lanes in each direction and left turn lanes at key intersections. Astoria Boulevard has TSP installed between 94th and 31st Streets.