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MTA surveys

See datasets, data dictionaries, final reports, and other documents from surveys conducted by the MTA.

Note: All data presented here is subject to our terms and conditions below.

About the LIRR origin-destination survey

This survey was conducted in 2012-2014 and involved passenger counts on board all LIRR trains operated at the time, as well as travel and demographic information provided by LIRR customers by way of self-reported surveys distributed on all westbound LIRR trains. We received over 119,000 responses, representing a response rate of about 48% of LIRR's ridership at the time.

All records included in the dataset are anonymous and any confidential data, such as names and addresses, have been removed. In addition, all coordinates (latitude and longitude) of respondents' origins and/or destinations have been removed, leaving only the city, state and zip codes for use in analysis. The Final Report explains in great detail the survey methodology, field effort, data processing and expansion, challenges, and overall conclusions and results.

About the Metro-North origin-destination surveys

The first survey, covering the East of Hudson Service Territory, was conducted in 2007, and a second one was conducted in 2017, with questionnaires offered to every customer on board each inbound MNR train that was in operation at the time. We received over 90,000 completed questionnaires in 2007 (representing about 45% of MNR's ridership at the time), and over 83,000 completed questionnaires in 2017 (about 39% of ridership). In addition, customers using West of Hudson lines were surveyed in 2017, and the dataset and final report are available here as well.

All records included in these datasets are anonymous and any confidential data, such as names and addresses, have been removed. In addition, all coordinates (latitude and longitude) of respondents' home origins and/or destinations have been removed, leaving only the city, state and zip codes for use in analysis. We are also providing the Final Reports for both surveys, which explains in great detail the survey methodology, field effort, data processing and expansion, challenges, and overall conclusions and results.

About the MTA New York City Travel surveys

The surveys were conducted in 2008 and in 2018. The goal of these surveys was to collect data on travel origins and destinations, trip purposes, and travel characteristics of New York City residents with the aim of upgrading the MTA's travel forecasting tools, and gaining a better understanding of how people travel.

All records included in these datasets are anonymous and all coordinates (latitude and longitude) of respondents' home, school or work origins and/or destinations have been removed, leaving city, state, zip code, PUMA, TAZ and Census Tract information for use in analysis. We are providing the Person, Household, Day (2018) and Trip files, as well as the Final Reports and appendices, which provide much more information about the survey methodology, challenges, logistical issues, and overall conclusions and results.

In 2008, the survey was conducted via telephone or mailout/mailback survey among a random sample of New York City residents. Respondents were asked to recount their travels for a 24-hour period, regardless of what mode was used. Upon completion, data for more than 13,000 households was gathered; resulting in over 42,000 linked trips, of which approximately 21,000 were linked transit trips.

In 2018, the survey was conducted via smartphone app, online, or by phone.  New York City residents were recruited using a random address-based sample, an MTA customer e-mail list, targeted intercept surveys, and social media.  Upon completion, the survey collected data from over 14,500 households throughout the five boroughs, resulting in over 66,000 unlinked transit trips. This survey effort was the first time that the MTA used a smartphone-based GPS app to record people’s travel information and respondents had the option of providing more than one day’s travel characteristics.

Terms and conditions

Data Disclaimer and Restrictions on Information Usage for MTA Origin-Destination Survey Data Files

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) makes no representation of any kind, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use, nor are any such warranties to be implied with respect to the information, data or services furnished herein.

In no event shall MTA, nor its employees, become liable to users of the data, information or services provided herein, or to any other party, for any loss or damage, consequential or otherwise, including but not limited to time, money or goodwill, arising from the use, operation or modification of the data or information, or for the failure to transmit a copy of any particular document.

These surveys were designed and conducted for use in regional travel demand modeling. The sample sizes and frames are suitable for that purpose. Proper application of the analysis dataset is the responsibility of the user. In using the information or data, users assume the risk for relying on such data or information, and further agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless MTA, and its employees, all liability of any nature arising out of or resulting from the lack of accuracy or correctness of the information or data, or the use of the information or data.

The user acknowledges that the use of this information or data may be subject to error and omission, and the accuracy of the information provided is not guaranteed or represented to be true, complete, nor correct.

No person, entity or user shall sell, give or receive for the purpose of selling or offering for sale, any portion of the information or data provided herein, nor may they use the information in a manner that is in violation of any federal, state or local law or regulation.

Information contained within this dataset is made available by the MTA for non-commercial use only. Such use of Website materials, including images and text, is allowed provided that any copies or transmissions of this information keep intact all copyright, credits, and disclaimer information. Any other use of these materials requires written authorization by the MTA.

The preparation of the datasets has been financed through the MTA's 5-year Capital Program with partial reimbursement through the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC). These documents are disseminated under the sponsorship of the MTA in the interest of information exchange. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the Federal Transit Administration, NYMTC or the State of New York. This report does not constitute a standard, specification or regulation.